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Googling “Sketchup STL Plugin” should give you a list of the options that are currently available.


There are plugins available for free that add this function to the free version. free download for mac

One thing to note- only the Pro version is able to export an STL file for use in CNC applications. If you don’t have a lot of CAD experience, then you may find this to be a gentle introduction to the whole process. ($500 for Pro or Free for Standard) Sketchup is a very easy-to-use CAD program that scales well from tiny parts up to complete buildings. ($99) Via CAD is a very capable 2D/3D CAD program that uses a “real” CAD kernel and it capable of creating good parts for relatively little money. They seem to have a business model where you contact them for demos and pricing so they may only be an option if you’re really comitted to learning more about their products. (Call them for pricing) solidThinking offers a number of CAD programs that seem to be very powerful. There’s a range of pricing options and for many users, it’s totally free. It runs completely in the browser so it runs on PC, OS/X or even an iPad. OnShape (Free - $80/Month)- OnShape is a new cloud-based CAD program from the same team that created Solidworks. The list below is a good starting point for Mac-friendly 3D CAD programs: OnShape Cnc Machine For Aluminum Easy CNC contains all the latest SINUMERIK training. Completely refreshed for iPad and iPhone, our most popular app makes learning SINUMERIK CNC even easier. Find the CH341SERMAC directory in the Download directory and then double-click CH34xInstallV1.4.pkg: Follow the installer that pops up. Download the driver from here, you may need to unzip it manually in older Mac Operating Systems. The process in this document was tested in OSX 10.13.3. Software is supported for OSX 10.9 and above. free download for mac

Most programs on Windows have an alternative available on the Mac with the notable exception of CAD/CAM programs there are relatively few popular CAD/CAM programs that run on OSX.

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